Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Rain in the OC

This is freakin ridiculous. It's been raining for a week straight. This is LA, it's not suppose to rain! I expect a city without a cloud in the sky, and what I get is nothing but rain at least twice a week. To the average mid-westerner this may sound stupid, but allow me to elaborate.

Buildings in this city were designed to stand the force of a 6.0 on the Richter Scale. Buildings in this city were NOT designed to be waterproof. Some buildings are over 100 years old and (including the one I live in) leak like a sinking ship. What is there left to do when you live in a leaking, flooding, sinking house? Get some alcohol and invite some sorostitutes over.

Not that this makes up for the crappy weather, but there is a pretty bitchin' deal at Subway, the "rainy day special", where they offer a footlong for the price of a six inch (no homo). By now, all the mexicans that work there know me on a first name basis.

The one thing that makes rain in the OC tolerable is that the girls dress just as slutty as when it is 90 degrees, God love 'em. Even if it rains every day while I am in LA, between waking up sometime in the afternoon, all the hot females, and all the alcohol I'd say I'm in a pretty good place. Jeez, it's like I'm in college again, except I get paid for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>Not that this makes up for the crappy weather, but there is a pretty bitchin' deal at Subway, the "rainy day special", where they offer a footlong for the price of a six inch (no homo).

That is the coolest thing i have ever heard. i fuckin wish they had that here.