Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Slut Tournament

Here’s the jist; the next time you and a few of your friends are bored, take out a piece of paper and pen, and make a list of friends (men and women), famous people, and fictitious characters. Then, hold a single-elimination bracket style tournament as to who would be the sluttiest, or bitchiest, or the biggest asshole, etc.

I’ll be holding a Slut Tournament, post your entries in the comments section.

Entry #1 - Jessica Simpson


Zodiac Digital said...

are you kidding? paris hilton is about as slutty as it gets

Fitz said...

Homail Kara .vs. The Nugget was the finals in the slutty tourny we had waiting in line for Ep III

Bill said...

So paris hilton, nugget, and j simpson are the only 3 nominated? short tourney...

Fitz said...

Doesn't "Homail Kara" sound like a good name for a Jedi or a Sith?

Shmorg said...

Heidi Flice (sp)?. For cryin out loud her profession is being a slut. And she has dirt on all the celebs that pay her for booty.

Bill said...

I still have to give it to the nugget.

Anonymous said...

Xtina Aguilera
Jennifer Lopez

Bill said...

Still have to give the nugget the win in the slut tourney.