Thursday, January 11, 2007

Idiocracy: Reviewed

This is a Mike Judge film (Office Space, Beavis and Butthead) which is a DVD release. It never made it to theaters for a couple reasons which I will go into later.

The film starts out explaining that 500 years in the future the world will be inhabited by morons. Stupid people reproduce while smart people wait to have children for very good reasons, but this results in the world being overpopulated by idiots.

The main reason why this film wasn't accepted by Fox for theatrical release is the light commentary on conglomerates such as Carl's Jr. (Hardees), Starbucks, Costco, and Gatorade (it's got electrolytes). As a result of these companies having monopolies in their fields, coffee costs as much as a modern-day trip to Europe (but the good news is it does include a "happy ending") and the economy is entirely dependent on these companies succeeding. I don't really think that says anything evil about these corporations, but Fox apparently did.

Luke Wilson plays the lead role as an army private that is volunteered for an experiment to be cryogenically frozen for one year, but due to an army mishap, he and his female counterpart, played by Maya Rudolph, wake up 500 years later. When Luke wakes up, he finds he is the smartest person in the world.

Supporters include David Herman (Michael Bolton from Office Space), Horatio Sanz (though he's not credited even by IMDB) and appearances by Stephen Root (Office Space, Dodgeball), and Thomas Haden Church (Spiderman 3, Sideways and Wings).

The other reason, in my opinion, why it wasn't released in theaters is because the movie isn't great. I do think Fox would have made a decent profit by doing a nation-wide theatrical release, however there's nothing hilarious about this movie, and Fox thought it's resources would be best spent elsewhere. It is kinda funny, but not the funniest thing I've ever seen. I give this movie 2.5 / 5 stars, it's more or less an average comedy.


Fitz said...

I'm going to have to lightly disagree with you on Idiocracy. It's not a great movie, but it's really, really funny

Bill said...

I didn't mean that it was an unfunny movie, I just didn't find myself lol-ing all that much.

Anonymous said...

Im with Fitz on this, I thought the movie was funny. What made it funnier was the list of people I have met in my lifetime that could be classified from 2505.

Anonymous said...

I guess i have to rent it

Fitz said...

I actually teach over 100 students from the year 2505 every day.

Also, a guy I knew proposed to his fiancee by painting 'marry me' on a horse.

SpaceLord said...

Do you have even considered the social charge that "the world" is only the US carries?? Theres more on this movie than "funny" or not "funny"... in the way of team america: world police, the film its a sarchastic view of future (today?) US society...

Anonymous said...

If Horatio Sanz was in the movie, why would he not be credited? Because he's not in the movie, that's why!!! The person you have mistaken him for is Anthony Campos, who was also in Harsh Times.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'll take my wings hot and skinless and Jager bombs to drink.

Anonymous said...

We think this is one of the funniest movies ever and we see SO many current day things that are already here - forget 2505! LOL We of course thought it was Horatio Sanz as well, and we wonder why it's so hard to find out anything about Anthony Campos anywhere? Could they be one and the same??
Just curious.... (SMILE)