I only remember a few things about this show. One: On Halloween the show was interrupted during the climax, when Dan (the husband) was hit right in the nose and it was bleeding out of control at the diner where Roseanne worked for that gay guy. The series finale, Roseanne pretended like the past two seasons were all pretend and played like John was a figment of her imagination ever since he died of a heart attack two years ago. When she won the lottery, it was a defense mechanism to make her feel less like a white trash cunt. Three stars.
17. Mad About You

Like Seinfeld, only not funny. Paul Reiser sucks. Helen Hunt is hot. Negative eleventy-billion stars.
18. Hey, Dude

Easily one of the top shows Nick has ever put out. Teenagers working on a desert horse ranch, to make middle aged, middle class people feel more like cowboys, but we all really know they are all still doochbags. Uncle Ben (the owner of the ranch) made an appearance in Forrest Gump as the reporter during the protest at the college when the blackies finally get admitted to a whitey school. And “Melody” is now Ben Stiller’s wife. Five stars. Put this shit on DVD like now! Five stars!
19. Home Improvement

Tim “The Toolman” Taylor. What a fitting name. He wasn’t funny at all. But, his TV wife was kinda hot. His movies suck, especially his X-Mas movies, which are his only movies. Anyway, he’s not funny. Al Bohrlan was much funnier than Tim was, and he sucks as the current host of Family Fued. No Stars.
20. Married…With Children

Eureka. The perfect show for anyone! (It lasted 10 years!)
Al was the truest definition of a man’s man. Peg said what ever woman was thinking. Plus, Peg (Katey Sagal) later was a voice on Futurama, and was the fiancĂ© of an alien named Al who was a womanizer and Morman and shapeshifter. By the way, Bender’s the greatest! Bud was every horny teenage guy’s idol. Trying to fuck his older sister’s friends, yet never succeeding. Kelly Bundy, (aka Christina Applegate) was the older sister with hot yet prude slutty friends. Short of The Sopranos, I can’t think of a more perfect show. Infinity plus one stars!
>His movies suck, especially his X-Mas movies, which are his only movies.
thats hilarious.
married with children is so awesome
>Al was the truest definition of a man’s man.
True dat.
Big Trouble, havent seen it and dont want to.
seriously though bill, tza is right. big trouble is funny.
Funny because its incredibly stupid, like Zoolander, or funny because its incredibly horrible, like House of 1000 Corpses?
no, seriously. it is a well-written, funny movie. i don't want to act like its perfect, but its definitely worth checking out
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