In cleaning my room this past weekend, I discovered several Undertaker comic books, and also many old autographed baseballs and sports memorabilia. The old sports crap didn’t really do anything for me, but the UT comics got me to thinking about how great of a wrestler the Undertaker really is.
The Undertaker debuted in the WWF at the Survivor Series pay per view in 1990 under the Million Dollar Man. This year’s Survivor Series pay per view was this past Sunday, so he will was in the company for approximately 14 years. He has spent very little time off for injuries, but he is getting more and more injury prone in his aging state.
The Undertaker has wrestled and beaten all of the top names in the business, such as Hulk Hogan, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Vader, and of course, Kane (his half brother in the storylines).
Lately, the Taker has been more of a backstage icon than been a main event draw. He can still hold a classic match against any wrestler in my opinion. He only appears to hype his pay per view appearances, but that is OK with me since the RAW (Monday night wrestling) top guys mainly wrestle on PPVs.
The only problem with the Taker is he is getting too stale. He is falling into the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) formula, which is a spot fest instead of a real good old match. He plans his matches like Bret Hart instead of Shawn Michaels. “Old School” clothesline, chokeslam, piledriver, and beat his opponent with his own move.
My solution: place the Undertaker (aka Mark Calloway) in a cryogenic state until they find a cure or treatment for wrestlers getting old.
with pictures, "the wahl" will be unstoppable
I also forgot to mention that Taker is undefeated in his Wrestlemania appearances, which is 11-0.
plus he can shoot lightning
Kane shoots way more lightning than Undertaker.
they both shoot many terrible storylines.
especially that katie vick business
katie vick, definately remember the name but not the storyline. Was she some kind of childhood friend of the Taker, and then Kane wanted to bone her too?
katie vick was a chick that kane was fucking, and then she died when kane crashed his car coming back from a party. i assume that this is after he was burned alive as a child by the undertaker, but before paul bearer took him in as a step-son
kane has no legitimate continuity
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