Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sin City Review

Generally, when I see a movie’s trailer or TV spot that makes the movie seem awesome, and it is by a great director, and it has a crap load of big name actors involved, I naturally conclude that it can’t be nearly as good as the preview makes it out to be. Shame on me.

This movie was based on several graphic novels (written by Frank Miller), not a comic. Graphic novels don’t have to abide by the same regulations of decency, violence, adult language and sexual situations that comics have to. That being said, there is a lot of violence in this movie, a plethora of boobs, lots of foul language, a gang of hookers (literally), and enough indecent behavior to choke the FCC.

The visual style of Sin city (largely black and white) exactly matches the gully tone of the books written by Miller. This was something Rodriguez, who co-directed, co-wrote, co-produced, scored and shot the flick, wanted to preserve above all else.

Normally, focusing largely on the cinematography would compromise other aspects of the movie. Not the case with Sin City. The acting was top-notch, the writing was excellent, and outstanding direction by Rodriguez as always.

Bruce Willis plays Hardigan, the about-to-retire cop. Jessica Alba plays Nancy, the stripper. Mickey Rourke plays Marv, the trench-coat-wearing badass viginate. Elijah Wood plays the psycho ninja-like killer. Normally, I would give a more in depth synopsis, but I can’t come anywhere near doing the movie justice. Just see the movie, you’ll thank yourself ten minutes into the film.

Sin City earned $28.1 million last weekend, it’s opening weekend, making it the top grossing movie. Coming in second was Beauty Shop with $13.5 mil, and Guess Who took third with $13 mil.

For more on Sin City, read this article from CNN’s article is really terrific and makes me appreciate Sin City that much more. Even if you don’t go see Sin City, still read the article.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Yeah, Marv, the trenchcoat wearing bad ass viginalte. With a bad ass prosthetic nose and chin.