Thursday, September 01, 2005

Horri-Bill Awards - Round 3

This will be just a real quick post to wrap up the final winners before the last award is given. No pictures, no long, amusing analysis of the nominees.

Congeniality Award: Miss Congeniality 2

Hockey and NASCAR
Two equally bad sports, if they can so be called. One consists of guys ice skating in circles for an hour, the other consists of guys driving around in a circle for an hour. Also, car racing is so extreme it’s acronym needs to be in all caps.

Hands down, the winner is Hockey. A year without hockey, and now it’s coming back. Just like a bad rash below the waist line that you thought was gone, then one day you’re in the shower and find out it’s back, and it’s pissed. That’s hockey.

Coldplay and Greenday.
Call me the antichrist, but I just don’t listen to Coldplay, or Dave Matthews. If I wanted to listen to elevator music, I’d spend my life in the Empire State building. And Greenday I have elaborated on before many times, but to quote myself, punk had it’s heyday, and that was the 1970’s and early 1990’s.

Easily, the winner is Greenday. Clearly, they are the reason for the punk revival of the new century. People have been led to believe that with music, meritocraty is excellence because of Greenday. “That song is great” has turned into “That song is tolerable”. I proclaim from now until the day I die that Greenday is the worst, most overplayed band of the new century.

Gene Snitsky vs. Viscera
Crazy cracker steroid freak up against fat black pimp with a platinum mow-hawk. Snitsky has attacked a “pregnant” woman, causing her to loose her baby, and Vis is just a boring character wrestler that doesn’t even get TV time anymore. I choose…Snitsky. For no good reason, just because he looks like a guy that’s been roided out for years, and has been growing his chin pubes since he started shaving.

Don't forget to post your nominees all year long in the comments section. New great post coming in 24 hours!

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